The color yellow and its impact on art
Jordi Rosich, joier i dissenyador de Roosik&Co, s'inspira en el color de les pedres precioses per a crear les joies, que esdevenen petites obres d'art i que evoquen emocions. De...
Aina Costa |
Jordi Rosich, joier i dissenyador de Roosik&Co, s'inspira en el color de les pedres precioses per a crear les joies, que esdevenen petites obres d'art i que evoquen emocions. De...
Aina Costa |
A new raw tourmaline. 66 new gems. All in different colors and tones, as unique and special as you. Welcome back Touramalli Silk Rose! Jordi Rosich – our jeweler, gemmologist...
Ester Montjer |
What is love? Is it passion, friendship, complicity? Jordi Rosich, reinterprets love in a new collection of pieces capable of evoking all the strength of this feeling and the arrival...
Ester Montjer |
… THE COLOURS OF LOVE Tell me, what colour is your love? Is it robin red? Or sapphire blue? Together or alone, let us explore this burst of life,...
Ester Montjer |
" A silk rose, a raw tourmaline, a love story for the earth... and you " The birth of a rose As you know, we like to celebrate St....
Arnau Sorribes |
Sant Jordi is approaching, one of the most beautiful holidays in the calendar. As you know, at Roosik & Co we like to celebrate by creating a small collection of...
Ester Montjer |
I spend hours thinking and rethinking designs. Even when it comes to solitaire diamond rings that you let me know you like them and I see that they are one...
Arnau Sorribes |
What will the jewel that Nuria Val Frecklesnur and Jordi Rosich have created together look like? We propose a trip to two islands. Two inverted, wild, passionate islands. They are...
Arnau Sorribes |
At Roosik & Co we are in love with St George's Day. That's why we created a unique ring . We have been working on pieces full of love for...
Arnau Sorribes |
We will tell you why Vitruvik is one of Jordi Rosich's most personal engagement rings. Jordi Rosich, a great lover of art, the perfection of geometric shapes and...
Arnau Sorribes |
The Heptagon is the shape that identifies the corporate image of Roosik&Co. Jordi Rosich signs all the jewelery he creates with this iconic seven-sided figure, which summarizes the basic concepts...
Arnau Sorribes |