How to clean your jewelry with gemstones
How to clean jewellery at home?Creams, soaps... Gems can lose their natural brilliance. Luckily, it has a quick solution. With a good cleaning and tricks, you will have them shiny...
How to clean jewellery at home?Creams, soaps... Gems can lose their natural brilliance. Luckily, it has a quick solution. With a good cleaning and tricks, you will have them shiny...
És normal que tinguis dubtes sobre com tenir cura de les teves joies. Amb el dia a dia van perdent la seva lluentor inicial, segur que ho has notat! Sobretot, ho...
Hydroalcoholic gels have become our new must-have. We use it every day: at home, at work, in the shops… It’s normal to have doubts about how these gels affect your...
L'Heptàgon és la forma que identifica la imatge corporativa de Roosik&Co. Jordi Rosich firma totes les joies que crea amb aquesta figura icònica de set costats, que resumeix els conceptes...