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Half Rose Wedding Ring · 0.18 ct

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HALF DIAMOND RING IN ROSE GOLD Handmade jewelry 18 ct rose gold 30 diamonds: Brilliant cut Total weight: 0.18 ct... Read more Read more

SKU: A16.E2.12.OR.47
Barcode: 78378587



    • Handmade jewelry
    • 18 ct rose gold
    • 30 diamonds:
      • Brilliant cut
      • Total weight: 0.18 ct
      • Color E
      • Purity VVS1
      • Triple excellence (cut, symmetry and polish)

    Ref: A16.E2.12.OR


    A succession of 30 diamonds totaling 0.18 carats make this ring from Roosik & Co's Eternal collection a piece that is understated but very rich. The harmony between the color of the rose gold, the light of the diamonds - the triple excellence of the stones guarantees the reflection of 99% of the light - and the cadence with which the stones are arranged on the top of the 'anell make up a set that ends up standing out for its final elegance. A perfect jewel to express the deepest feelings.

    Ring available in yellow gold and white gold, and other diamond sizes.


    Quan rebis la teva joia veuràs que tot està pensat amb gran cura i detall per a tu:

    Les caixes on te la presentem estan fetes amb materials reciclats i reciclables... Sense plàstic!

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    Demana Informació

    Jordi Rosich Fundador i dissenyador de Roosik & Co. En Jordi s’ha convertit en el dissenyador i joier de referència d’aquells que, com ell, valoren les joies per ser més que or i pedres precioses.